TAX in the City

We are Tax in the City.

From Smart Phone
to Smart Tax.

Indeed! Even tax consultancy goes digital & mobile.
Our IT developments and tools enable us to work highly efficiently with your numbers. Your accounting turns into your individual online-information system. Your annual financial statement becomes a personal opportunity calculator. Besides these fascinating evolutions, at Hübner & Hübner there will always be sufficient space for your tax and business-management questions. For only the right combination of digital and personal relationship creates high grade tax consultancy.

Tobias Hübner,
Auditor, Tax Advisor and Partner
Managing Director

Classics from HÜBNER & HÜBNER

Our Services

Annual financial statements

Balance sheets, profit and loss statements, notes, company register applications, statements of incomings and outgoings or profit statements: we make sure you’ll get the right financial accounts.

Tax consulting

Our aim is to optimise your taxes. From income tax to value-added tax, from establishing a company and deciding on the right legal form, to succession planning.

Interactive balance sheet presentation

Experience a new way to talk about balance sheets. Dry balance sheet information presented in an understandable way using graphs. A forecast and opportunities calculator can help shed light on the future and is a valuable decision-making tool.

Tax returns and tax-related matters

We prepare your tax return, whether it be for VAT, corporation tax, income tax or wage tax. We also handle your tax-related matters. We check decisions, submit applications and make requests – you’ll never miss a tax-related date or deadline.

Only with Us

Management consulting

Informative value brings figures to life. We achieve this with balance sheet analyses, business plans, accounting cockpits, our opportunities calculator, customised controlling and key performance indicators.

Social security

Our social security service provides you with answers to any questions you may have relating to your social security and finds the best option for you. GSVG or ASVG? Optimum prepayment amounts, international social security – social security claims in several countries.

Only with Us


2book is the online tool that connects you and your tax consultant. For start-ups, new companies, freelancers and anyone else who prepares a statement of incomings and outgoings for their annual accounts. Online accounting including tax return.

Only with Us

Company audit precautions

Are you ready for the next company audit? We analyse business transactions and circumstances, highlighting where there may be room for improvement and where you may be exposed to potential risks. If an audit is announced, we’ll work together with the auditors on your behalf.

Legal advice

Get comprehensive expert advice from tax consultants, notaries, lawyers, social security and labour law experts.

Employee service

Would you like to benefit to the fullest extent possible when filing your employee tax return? Get help from the professionals. We’ll “guide” you through the FinanzOnline portal, helping you to proceed step-by-step to the optimum solution for you.

Tax consulting

  • Tax planning and optimisation
  • Optimisation of the legal form of the company
  • Tax returns for businesses and individuals
  • Tax optimisation of annual financial statements
  • Checking tax assessments
  • Appeals
  • Company audit precautions
  • Advice and representation in tax audits
  • Representation before financial authorities
  • Representation in finance-related, criminal law suits
  • Purchase and sale of businesses
  • Tax Due Diligence
  • Reorganisations and restructuring
  • Succession planning
  • Expert assessments of taxes and statements
  • Law Enforcement
  • Transfer pricing

Starting perfectly

  • Advice for young entrepreneurs
  • Background checks
  • Choosing the best legal form for the organisation
  • Starting a business

Tax handling

  • Management of tax process
  • Monitoring of tax office account
  • Delivery and preparation service
  • Deadline monitoring

Social security

  • Legal contribution advice (GSVG)
  • Questions about mandatory insurance
  • International social insurance questions

Annual financial statements

  • Income / expenses (balance sheet)
  • Annual financial statements
  • Consolidations
  • Balance sheet analysis
  • Interactive balance sheet presentation

Beyond borders

  • International tax advice
  • Foreign branches
  • Foreign subsidiaries
  • Establishment of subsidiaries in Austria
  • Avoidance of international double taxation
  • International transfer pricing
The online tool that connects you with your tax advisor

So easy:

Our Promise.

These facts
speak for us

Quality guarantee

We want you to be fully satisfied. However, if for any reason you’re not, you only pay what you think is appropriate for the services received.

Fair and
transparent pricing

Prices agreed in advance to prevent any surprises.

First meeting

Free, but not worthless! Decide, risk-free, if we’re the right partners for you after a personal consultation.


Corporate data are sensitive. Protecting such data is our top priority. Our online platforms Accounting+ and 2file along with a well-established digital workflow ensure the highest levels of quality and security.

Portrait von Kristina Schlechta
Kristina Schlechta, Head of Business Development

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We regularly write about the latest news and important changes. In this way, you will always be up to date on tax law, social security and labor law. This service is free of charge. Simply register here.